Dear Readers,
On behalf of the Titanic Lifeboat Academy, let me say we are so incredibly grateful for your support in our Fall Fundraising campaign. Thanks to you, we have surpassed the goal of $1,000 which will allow us to offer informative and encouraging articles and keep our website up to date through this year.
As we begin this year with much uncertainty ahead, we can all be certain that our commitment to staying informed, prepared, and engaged within our communities will help keep us all afloat. TLA will continue to provide updates through our emailed newsletters and website posts, and we will not request financial support until our next fall campaign (though if you do not want to wait until then, you are always welcome to donate with the link at the bottom of each email).
Thank you again!
Stay strong, stay engaged, stay connected!
Michele Henn, Titanic Lifeboat Academy Board President