(Reading time: 2 - 4 minutes)
American Constitution

Image by Lynn Melchiori from Pixabay

The human race, being a collection of stupids, continues to make decisions that imperil itself.

For example, a simple mistake in a warning system about incoming ICBMs can end all life on earth.  The supersmart idiots who invented nuclear weapons did not think about the possible unintended consequences of their handiwork.  They wanted to defeat the Nazis, and that was the limit of their imagination.

If you don’t like that example, consider this one.  The digital revolution has made us dependent on communications and control systems, such as those that operate power systems, that can be fried by superflares, which the sun on which we depend has every 2 or 3 thousand years, and shut down by hackers.  https://www.airspacemag.com/daily-planet/yet-another-looming-disaster-180972494/?spMailingID=40059465&spUserID=NzQwNDU0NzQ5NDMS1&spJobID=1542273286&spReportId=MTU0MjI3MzI4NgS2 

As I understand it, the same thing can happen from a nuclear blast in the atmosphere.  When power systems go down, nuclear reactors can overheat and produce Fukushima meltdowns.  Try to image the consequences of a large number of such meltdowns.  Yet, we have adopted a technology that subjects us to these kind of risks as well as to an Orwellian police state existence.

Why?  Because the human race is mindless.  Unlike highly intelligent non-human animals who are capable of rational decisions, humans can’t see beyond the end of their noses. The smell of money is what they respond to.

And there are health risks of technology, such as those associated with the rollout of 5G.  See for example:  https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2019/06/29/5g-the-stupidest-idea-in-the-history-of-the-world/ 

Nevertheless, 5G is rolling out as it serves material interests, that is, corporate profits.  The external costs of these profits, if the many dissenting scientists and medical professionals are correct, will greatly exceed in medical bills, infertility, anguish, shortened life spans, and so forth, the totality of profits from 5G. 

But don’t think your government, or the 5G corporations care.

Americans take their soma in the form of brainwashing and have become brainwashed sheep.  As far as I can tell, they will remain brainwashed sheep until they are beat into non-existence. Are brainwashed people capable of rebellion?

No one on the coming 4th of July will call for an uprising against our easily identified oppressors.  The reason is that everyone allowed to speak publicly is in the pay of our oppressors.

Americans are so firmly locked into The Matrix that it is problematic that they can be rescued.

When the world faces “the Great American Democracy,” the world faces a brainwashed public in the grip of material interests who are backed up by nuclear weapons, controls over the use of which have been consistently removed since the Clinton regime.

On the Fourth of July brainwashed Americans will wave the flag and chant: USA, USA, USA.


Paul Craig Roberts has held academic positions at Virginia Tech, Tulane University, Stanford, George Mason University, and Georgetown among others,  practiced journalism as editor and columnist for The Wall Street Journal and columnist for Business Week and the Scripps Howard News Service and authored numerous books on international policy and economics,  served as Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy and as a consultant to the U.S. Department of Defense and the U.S. Department of Commerce.  In business, he served as advisor to J.P. Morgan asset management, to Tiedemann-Goodnow, to Lazard Freres Asset Management and as an executive and a member of corporate and financial boards. He is chairman of The Institute for Political Economy. He brings his considerable experience and acute insight to one of the most widely read and influential columns in alternative media, https://www.paulcraigroberts.org, which we recommend you visit.  - Ed.    This article was reprinted in full with the author's permission.

Permission to reprint Dr. Roberts’ columns does not imply that Dr. Roberts endorses the websites or media organizations that republish his columns or that he approves of the content of the websites, media outlets or books that republish his columns.

 “Two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I am not yet completely sure about the universe.” -- Albert Einstein

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