(Reading time: 2 - 3 minutes)

The teleSUR President explained that this Latin American channel began its activities by reporting the Colombian conflict from the victims' point of view.

TeleSUR President Patricia Villegas gave an interview to Mission Verdad's director Gustavo Borges, where she addressed the mission and objectives of the news channel that is about to celebrate 15 years of continuous transmission in Latin America and the Caribbean.

"TeleSUR has a journalistic exercise committed to invisible political and social actors. That is the reason for our existence. Communication is an essential right and not a commodity," Villegas said.

The channel emerged on July 24, 2005, amid the coverage of the social and armed conflict in Colombia from the victims' point of view.

"We put the cameras in front of the victims. We gave a voice to those who were not heard. We realized then that our editorial position has to respond to the reality that the country is experiencing," she commented. 

Despite the complex financial situation the channel was going through, "we managed to show the reality of Latin America," Villegas added.  

Among the historical milestones that teleSUR has covered since its creation are the coups d'état in Honduras and Paraguay, the past elections in Bolivia, and the last year's social mobilizations in Ecuador and Chile.

"Each blow leaves us scars. It is necessary to emphasize that teleSUR workers have been stigmatized and singled out even by their media colleagues. They hit you, but there are always opportunities and you can move forward," Villegas analyzed.

Venezuela's opposition group will not be able to usurp the channel's image. "It is difficult to emulate our signal if your interests are with the hegemonic power," she added.

TeleSUR has a place through the different platforms to reach the users, our signal arrives with more strength in some countries. "That makes it impossible for them to censor our signal in other places,"  commented.

"TeleSUR's distribution allows us to have the cable channel's signal, as well as satellite and internet. We have managed to get several platforms of popular journalism to include our signal in streaming on their pages," Villegas concluded.

Venezuela's opposition group will not be able to usurp the channel's image. "It is difficult to emulate our signal if your interests are with the hegemonic power," she added.

TeleSUR has a place through the different platforms to reach the users, our signal arrives with more strength in some countries. "That makes it impossible for them to censor our signal in other places,"  commented.

"TeleSUR's distribution allows us to have the cable channel's signal, as well as satellite and internet. We have managed to get several platforms of popular journalism to include our signal in streaming on their pages," Villegas concluded.

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