In this video I chat in detail on the status of our global oceans.
I explain the stories that the plots from the most recent BAMS (Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society) “State of the Climate in 2020” tell about how our oceans are in grave peril.
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Humanity, in the collective sense, is slowly becoming more aware of the grave threats and consequences that we face from abrupt climate system change. However, it is important to remember that the atmospheric heating giving rise to extreme weather events around the planet, that threaten our global food supply, are only due to about 3% of the overall heating. In fact over 91% of the Earth’s heating is in the oceans, and about 5% is in the cryosphere.
Using the BAMS plots, I show how the ocean is heating from the surface to the deep ocean floor around the planet, absorbing more and more gases like CO2 and becoming more acidic, and how the ocean currents that circulate heat around the planet from the warm equator to the colder poles is fundamentally rewiring.
We are in for a wild ride. Life on the land requires life in the oceans.
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