(Reading time: 3 - 6 minutes)
Eric Peters

One of the specific things V touched on was the perfectly natural desire most of us have for the familiar things, the everyday routines and places – and how this can be used against us by psychopathic political types to leverage our submission. No one wants to put their life’s work in jeopardy, much less their family’s security. People cherish their friends and community; they love their homes.

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It is very difficult to say good-by to these things.

But sometimes, it is the only thing to do.

I learned this, like many others have learned it, when I was excommunicated from the little coffee shop that had been part of my daily routine for several years. I enjoyed spending a few hours in my usual spot, having some coffee and writing among the ebb and flow of people I had gotten to know over the years. It was a pleasant part of my life that became very unpleasant when the owners joined the Sickness Cult and insisted that patrons play Sickness Kabuki if they wanted to buy a cup of coffee. Since I would not join the cult, I was cast out.

I have also said good-bye to a number of people I once considered close friends of mine. I learned, to my great sadness, that they were not. Friends do not demand that you practice their religion – nor denounce you for failing to do so. These people did and so I call them friends no longer.

Another change may be coming – for me and possibly for you, too. I think it is wise to anticipate it.

What will you do if the gesundheitsfuhrer of the state you live in decrees that alles muss impfung (everyone must be “vaccinated”)? Not only those who – per the decree of the current Obergesundheitsfuhrer in the Haupstadt der Krankenreich – work for companies that employ 100 people or more or who transact any business, however peripheral, with the regierung in Washington – but everyone, period. To be permitted to enter any store in the state you live in. To be allowed to work, anywhere.

Even if you work for yourself.

As crazy as this sounds, keep in mind how crazy things already are. The Sickness Cult isn’t going to just disband. It must spread the faith. In this way, interestingly enough, it is very much like the virus-god it worships. Stagnation is death. It cannot abide unbelief for the simple reason that abiding it will result in unbelief. Some will see – and leave the cult. Other will never join it. Which is why all must be compelled to join it.

For that will make it very difficult for anyone to leave it.

My state – Virginia – will select a new gesundheitsfuhrer in about a month from now. The current one has been pretty bad. The new one – very likely to be the Clinton apparatchik Terry McAuliffe – could prove to be much worse. He spoke the other day of getting everyone in the state “vaccinated.” Read more about his “plan” here.

This makes me extremely uneasy.

It motivates me to get ready.

To put my place on the market, if need be – so as to leave what I love and have spent almost 20 years of my life building and caring for and making my own – for some other place, where I can at least live without being needled by people like McAuliffe.

This would be a very hard thing for me to do, attached as I am to my place – and I pray I do not have to do it. I have no desire to uproot my life – and say goodbye to the few old friends I still have and the new friends I have made – much less to have to start over, in a new place. But all of that is preferable to living in a state controlled by a cult.

death cult.

Literally – in terms of forcing people to assume the risk of dying or a life-ending crippling as a result of being Jabbed with a “vaccine” that has already caused the deaths of thousands. I do not intend to be one of these. And also metaphorically, in terms of the death of liberty at its most basic level. If a person cannot protect his own body from the grasping tentacles of government – or rather, if the government will no longer respect the right of a human being to control and decide what is put into his or her own body – then the time has come to fight – or to leave.

It is impossible to say, at this moment, which of the two options will become the only option. But I am preparing for both options. As regards the second option, by getting my place in order so that if I need to leave, I can sell.

Without losing my shirt.

This is sound policy in normal times – as regards your home as well as your vehicles. Keep them in good order and they won’t become disordered. And by doing that, you won’t be faced – in a crisis situation – with having to try to bring them back to good order in a rush and probably at great expense, so as to not lose your shirt. It is easier – and in the long run, cheaper – to take good care of anything you might need to sell one day.

Because that day may come.

Even if you don’t want to sell. Best to prepare for that possibility. Because who knows what’s coming, a month or so from now.


Eric Peters [send him mail] is an automotive columnist and author of (2011 ]) and he's the author of the free ebook, Don’t Get Taken for a Ride!. Visit his website.

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