(Reading time: 2 - 4 minutes)
Fire Cider ingredients

We are blessed with an abundance of plant allies in this vast green wonderland that is the Pacific NorthWest.

There is anti-inflammatory, iron, calcium and zinc rich Nettle growing in droves. St John’s-wort which you can find covering all sides of the highways and even popping up in between the cracks of sidewalks, reminding us to persevere and keep our spirits up while also providing a soothing antiviral remedy for wounds. The Mullein practically reaches out to us to call in our attention reminding us it is useful for respiratory infections, bronchial infections and asthma. These are just a few of the blessed medicinal plants that surround us and some of the best medicine can be found right in our garden and spice cupboards.

As I appreciate the warmth of the sun these last few weeks of summer I am also prepping my Fire Cider which will bring me warmth this Fall and Winter. Fire Cider is one of the oldest immunity boosting remedies throughout the globe. It is full of anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antimicrobial, and vitamin C rich foods and herbs. It is also simple to make and can be catered and adapted to what you personally have growing outside or stored in your kitchen. The main key to Fire Cider is to prep and make it now so you and your immune system are ready for the fall and winter ailments.

What You Need:

  • Turmeric(anti-inflammatory,antioxidant,goodforhearthealth)
  • Ginger(reducesbloodsugar,strengthensimmunity,aidsdigestion,delicious!)
  • Onion(antioxidant,lowersbloodsugar,vitC)
  • Chili pepper (decreases infection, and increases metabolism)
  • Garlic(antimicrobial,lowersbloodpressureandcholesterol,strengthens immunity)
  • Horseradish (vit C, fights infection, clears congestion, strengthens immunity)
  • Lemon (vit C, antioxidant, aids digestion)
  • Rosemary (antioxidant, antibacterial, aids digestion, also delicious!)
  • Thyme (antifungal, aids respiratory and digestion)
  • Cinnamon(Antioxidant,anti-inflammatory,antiseptic,aidsrespiratorysystem) 
  • Apple Cider Vinegar (do I need to list all the AMAZING benefits?!)
  • Honey: added after 4-6 weeks (antioxidant and antibacterial)
  • Glass jar with lid (clean, boil 1st if able)

What you do:fire cider2

First of all, I am a huge supporter of “What do I actually have in my kitchen”. If you only have powder forms of most of these plants, it’s ok to use them, they don’t all have to be fresh from the ground or store. What you have is good enough, trust me. Whether you use fresh or cupboard ingredients it will serve you and your body well and you might just have some fun. The main difference between utilizing fresh or powdered herbs will be how much Fire Cider you can make and the portion of the ingredients.

Now let’s make a nice cup of St John’s-wort tea and get to chopping. For extra bonus nutrition, save all your veggie shavings, peels, and ends to make a fabulous vegetable broth.

If using FRESH veggies and herbs for a 24 oz mason jar:

  • Peel and chop ¼ cup each ginger and tumeric root
  • Chop 1 small onion (red, white or yellow…what’s in your kitchen?)
  • Chop 2 small chili peppers (be careful of your eyeballs)
  • Crush and chop 5-10 cloves of garlic
  • Peel and chop 1 small horseradish root
  • Slice 1 lemon (however you like it)
  • Place all chopped ingredients into your clean glass jar
  • Place 2-4 cuttings of dried rosemary (it’s everywhere this time of year!) and thyme in the jar
  • Add 1 chopped cinnamon stick into jar
  • Fill jar with Apple Cider Vinegar until all is submerged
  • Place in cool dark cupboard for 4-6 weeks
  • After this time add honey to taste (¼ cup or more)
  • Enjoy and take 1-2 TBSP daily for optimum health benefits

What's next?

Now that you are all done making yourself, friends, and family a little more prepared for the soon approaching cool weather, please celebrate yourself with a nice cool lemon balm tea and think about preparing your winter’s Elderberry syrup. There’s always plant medicine to be made and shared in our luxuriously giving home in the Pacific Northwest, or wherever you live.

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