Civil Rights

Title Created Date
Hurricane Barry Proves Terrorist Threat Is A Hoax 14 July 2019
‘The American Friends’: New Court Files Expose Sheldon Adelson’s Security Team in US Spy Operation Against Julian Assange 17 May 2020
A Distributed Capacity for Violence: 06 November 2021
A Marriage of Conscience: Julian Assange and Chelsea Manning 14 April 2019
America, The Incredible Disappearing Country 08 September 2019
Assange is Doing His Most Important Work Yet 19 June 2022
Berkeley in the Sixties 26 January 2020
Big Tech and the Rise of Surveillance Capitalism 07 May 2019
COVID Vaccine Mandates Are Killing Aviation, Healthcare, Other Critical Services. Is It Intentional? 18 October 2021
Digital Health Passports: The Snare That Will Lure Many into the One-World Cashless System 11 August 2021
Doctors for COVID Ethics – Symposium 14 August 2021
Eyewitness To The Agony Of Julian Assange 03 October 2020
Fighting Off the Encroachment 13 February 2023
FLASHBACK: You Are Being Programmed to Accept Global ID 06 January 2023
Former President Of Microsoft Canada Frank Clegg: On Safety & 5G/Wireless Technologies 16 September 2019
How the Organized Left Got Covid Wrong, Learned to Love Lockdowns and Lost its Mind: an Autopsy 31 March 2022
Impeach the Government: Rogue Agencies Have Been Abusing Their Powers for Decades 28 November 2019
Julian Assange, a Canary in Morality’s Coal Mine 21 July 2022
Last Round-up at the Wokester Corral 27 October 2020
Leaked files: Private Spying Firm Targets Global Population With Illegal Spyware 29 December 2022
Letter to a Colluder: Stop Enabling Tyranny 12 November 2021
Mass-Tracking COVI-PASS Immunity Passports Slated to Roll Out in 15 Countries 27 June 2020
May Day & Worker's Rights 01 May 2016
Nineteen Facts About American Policing That Will Blow Your Mind 05 June 2020
NSA Whistleblower: Government Collecting Everything You Do 03 April 2019
Our Bill of Self-Reliance 12 May 2024
Plandemic Part 2: Indoctornation 14 November 2021
Portrait of a Corrupt Pandemic: Panel Lambasts U.S. Failures of Covid Care 26 January 2022
Privileges and Immunity Certification During the COVID-19 Pandemic 16 May 2020
Protests in USA, Land of Marlboro Man, Will Come to Nothing... 12 June 2020

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