
Title Created Date
'We're Looking At Billions of People Not Being Able To Survive' | Peter Carter, Expert IPCC Reviewer 11 February 2021
‘...They Want Us To Do What?!? 06 November 2022
‘Creating a Digital Prison’: WHO Rushes Ahead on Global Digital Health Certificates 28 September 2023
‘The American Friends’: New Court Files Expose Sheldon Adelson’s Security Team in US Spy Operation Against Julian Assange 17 May 2020
5 People You Won’t Believe Worked For the CIA 28 December 2018
A Manufactured Pandemic 23 September 2021
A Second Opinion 13 February 2022
Active Shooter 30 June 2017
An Ocean of Lies on Venezuela 24 February 2019
Another Lap with Dr. David E. Martin Investigating the Origins of the Covid-19 Vaccines 28 December 2021
Bombshell Documentary From 2018 Exposes the US Biolabs in Ukraine! 03 April 2022
Chatting with David E. Martin About Covid-19, Vaccinations, and Other Mass Casualty Events 23 July 2021
Civil Unrest 27 June 2017
Colonialist Injustice: The Pardoning of the Blackwater Killers 28 December 2020
Covid Crimes 23 February 2023
COVID Vaccinations and Oxitec’s “Flying Syringes” 26 April 2022
COVID-19 Vaccines: Scientific Proof of Lethality 21 January 2022
Doctors for COVID Ethics – Symposium 14 August 2021
Dr. David E. Martin PhD Exposes Timeline of World Genocide to European Union Parliament 28 May 2023
Grand Jury Proceeding by the Peoples´ Court of Public Opinion 21 February 2022
How the Organized Left Got Covid Wrong, Learned to Love Lockdowns and Lost its Mind: an Autopsy 31 March 2022
How to Win at Covid 19 Chess 03 September 2021
Huawei Sting Operation Exposed 18 November 2020
Impeach the Government: Rogue Agencies Have Been Abusing Their Powers for Decades 28 November 2019
Israel, Ukraine, and Black Market Transplant Surgeons 29 March 2022
Jab-erwacky 03 October 2021
Lebanon's Corrupt, Colonial System Leads to Explosion Catastrophe 08 August 2020
Letter to an Agree-to-Disagree Relative 27 November 2021
Letter to US Legislators: #DefundTheThoughtPolice 07 June 2022
Lizards Eat Butterflies 07 September 2021

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