
Title Created Date
Some Truths about Falsehoods 20 May 2020
The Lies That Form Our Consciousness 12 May 2019
…But …But …Nobody Told Me… 10 March 2022
‘...They Want Us To Do What?!? 06 November 2022
“Facing Clear Evidence of Peril” in a Country of Lies 30 March 2023
9/11 War Games 09 September 2022
9/11: A Conspiracy Theory - Classic 5 min. Satire 09 September 2022
9/11: Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out 09 September 2022
A Truth Discovered Too Late 01 July 2022
American Dystopia – The Propaganda Mask and the Utopia Syndrome 04 June 2023
An Ocean of Lies on Venezuela 24 February 2019
Bernays and Propaganda – Democracy Control 16 August 2021
CDC - Why Critical Thinking Is Dangerous! 12 December 2021
Censorship Is Bad News 17 May 2022
COVID-19 and the Shadowy “Trusted News Initiative” 22 August 2021
Criminally Insane… America’s Top Diplomat Calls Depleted Uranium Munitions to Ukraine a ‘Housewarming Gift’ 11 September 2023
Everybody Knows the Fight was Fixed 16 November 2020
Excerpt: The Manufacturing of Greta Thunberg – for Consent: The Behavioural Change Project “To Change Everything” [Volume II, Act V] 22 September 2019
Fake or Deepfake? 09 October 2019
How the British Empire Created and Killed George Orwell 23 May 2020
If America Dissolves 28 February 2021
Impeach the Government: Rogue Agencies Have Been Abusing Their Powers for Decades 28 November 2019
In a Dark Wood 02 October 2021
Israel’s Culture of Deceit 20 October 2023
Jab-erwacky 03 October 2021
Jacques Ellul: Controversies in the Rise of Propaganda 22 May 2021
Letter to a Colluder: Stop Enabling Tyranny 12 November 2021
Liar, Liar 22 November 2018
Liberalism: The Two-Faced Tyranny of Wealth 25 May 2022
Living Among Those Who Pretend to Sleep 21 April 2019

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