
Title Created Date
Painting A True Christ: A Review of Terrence Malick’s Film “A Hidden Life” 17 February 2020
Peace In Our Time, Or War? 20 January 2022
Prepping for War… Western State-Owned Media Unveil ‘Russian Sabotage Trawlers’ 20 April 2023
Putin, On Historical Revisionism And Its Dangers 02 July 2020
Rage Against The War Machine - Speakers 19 February 2023
Redacted Presents: Peace, War and 9/11 11 September 2023
Regime Change and Empire 29 November 2016
Revealing Ukraine 16 March 2022
Revenge of the Putin-Nazis! 07 March 2022
Russia to the US: Your Aggression Stops Here 23 February 2022
Russia’s Actions in Ukraine Trigger World Wide Consequences 28 March 2022
Satellite Investigation | The Manipulator Behind the Russia-Ukraine Conflict -- 365 Days 24 February 2023
Scott Ritter: Anyone Who Doesn't Get How Serious New START Suspension is 'Doesn’t Appreciate Life' 23 February 2023
Shocks to the System 28 April 2022
Should Europeans ‘Thank’ the Americans for Destroying Nord Stream? 30 September 2022
Silencing the Lambs — How Propaganda Works 18 September 2022
Silencing the Lambs. How Propaganda Works 22 August 2023
Slouching Towards the Final Solution 15 October 2023
Something Lost, Never to Be Found Again 14 January 2024
Speech of Russian President Vladimir Putin to Federal Assembly 22 February 2023
Stern Warnings: Can You Hear Us, Now? 05 June 2024
Tales Told the Millennians 22 September 2018
The Age of Uncertainty and the Coming Anarchy… 27 February 2022
The Beautiful & Damned: Washington's Hypocrisy Exposed as Children Die From Sanctions and Missles 25 August 2018
The Best Speech I Never Gave 19 February 2023
The Birth of the Baby Twins: Russia’s Strategic Swing Drives NATOstan Nuts 23 February 2022
The Camp David Summit: Biden With His Puppets 31 August 2023
The Casualties of Empire 15 April 2022
The Climatic Effects of a Nuclear Winter on a Warming Earth 03 February 2022
The Coming Existential Threat 15 February 2023

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