(Reading time: 1 - 2 minutes)
Bordessa quote

Many of us have practiced self-reliance on some type of homestead, or farmed, grown food, lived simply, escaped terminal dependency. Yet, no doubt many others have not. As Derrick Jensen puts it:  If your experience is that your food comes from the grocery store and your water comes from the tap, then you are going to defend to the death the system that brings those to you because your life depends on them…. Or, in the words of Laskar and Parkes:  "The only winning move is not to play."

As the West further balkanizes us, the true dividing line may be between those who can make personal choices and those who cannot - or who believe they cannot.  In that vein, let me recommend Daisy Luther's Organic Prepper site, and offer an even more easy-going article by Kris Bordessa at Attainable Sustainable. Ed.

How to Survive (And Thrive) When Money is Tight and Times are Tough

Being prepared for when times are tough — or a full-on recession — is an exercise in self-reliant living. Getting through tough times — surviving an economic depression or a more personal financial hardship — is easier if you have skills. Learning how to provide for ourselves and learning some essential life skills now can make unexpected rough times easier to manage.

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