(Reading time: 4 - 7 minutes)
soldiers in biohazard suits

The United States has long demonstrated to the global community its disregard for international regulations, along with its readiness to unleash a war with the use of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) anywhere in the world. This is what the Americans did in Japan, when they dropped nuclear bombs on civilians in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945.

There have subsequently been many other incidents documented and reported to the UN which involved the use of chemical and bacteriological weapons by the United States against its opponents not only in Korea, but also in other regions of the world. Thus, in the period from 1949 to 1988 the Soviet Union submitted to the UN evidence about 13 facts of large- and small-scale use of WMDs with the US involvement. Here are just some of them.

  • - In 1951-1953, the USSR forwarded to the UN the documented evidence about the US’s use of bioweapons against North Korea and China during the Korean War. Those crimes garnered broad media coverage even in the US itself, and were proved by declassified documentary information;
  • - in 1948-1960, the UN received some documented evidence of the application of “scorched earth” tactics by the British army, backed by the United States, with the use of chemical and bioweapons against civilians in Malaya;
  • - in 1961-1971, the UN received evidence of the use of the same policy by the US Armed Forces in South Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos and Thailand;
  • - In 1982, Moscow forwarded to the UN documentary evidence of CIA’s financial support to breeding and proliferation of genetically modified malaria-carrying mosquitoes in Afghanistan. The biolabs in Pakistan were used for these R&D activities;
  • - in 1985, the USSR submitted to the UN evidence of the activities of US secret biolabs in South Africa and Israel, studying the impact of certain biological agents on certain racial (Negroid) and ethnic (Arab) groups;
  • - at the same period, the Soviet Union submitted to the UN incriminating evidence, supported by 25 countries, about the possible involvement of the US military laboratory at Fort Detrick (Maryland, USA) in the development of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), as well as in deliberate distribution of this virus in Africa;
  • - in the 1990s and 2000s, the UN agencies had already been investigating the “leak” of dangerous pathogens from the US military bases in Spain and Kenya, following which it was proved that the above “leaks” were clearly purposeful and planned.

All materials on these war crimes have been registered with the UN and are at the disposal of this organization!

Most recently, The Exposé, a British publication, published the results of its investigation into the direct involvement of the United States and Ukraine in the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic…

Recently, new documentary evidence of the US criminal activities aimed at unleashing a global biological war has been obtained by the Russian Ministry of Defense during the special military operation in Ukraine.

In particular, Igor Kirillov, the Head of the Radiation, Chemical and Biological Protection Forces of the Russian Armed Forces (RCBPF), has disclosed new information revealing the details of the Pentagon’s inhumane experiments on Ukrainian citizens in a psychiatric hospital in Kharkov region (Strelechye village). The test subjects included a group of male patients aged 40-60 with a high stage of physical exhaustion. “The received information proved the fact that the United States was launching an offensive military biological program in Ukraine, the purpose of which was to study the possibility of initiating controlled outbreaks of diseases on particular territories,” Kirillov said.

Documented evidence was received about an attempt to infect the residents of the Lugansk People’s Republic (LNR) with tuberculosis by means of fake banknotes contaminated with the tuberculosis causative agent. The infected notes were distributed among the minors in the village of Stepovoye in 2020. “The criminal masterminds exploited the behavior of children who are prone to tasting everything and eating without washing their hands,” Kirillov said. Aside from this, some additional information about the incidents associated with the use of bioweapons in Ukraine was obtained during the special military operation: documentary evidence was studied about the deliberate use of a multidrug-resistant tuberculosis pathogen in 2020 to infect the population of Slavyanoserbsky district in the LPR.

According to Igor Kirillov, the results of bacteriological tests proved the resistance of extracted bacteria to Tier 1 and Tier 2 anti-tuberculosis drugs. The disease caused by them would be much more difficult to treat, and the cost of such treatment would be much higher. The Lugansk Republican Sanitary and Epidemiological Service made a conclusion about the artificial nature of infection found on the banknotes, as extremely dangerous strains were found and their “concentration capable of guaranteeing infection and development of the tuberculosis process.”

Along with this, the Russian Armed Forces have discovered more than a dozen unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) equipped with tanks and nozzles for spraying bioweapon agents. In particular, on March 9, in the territory of Kherson region, three UAVs were detected with 30-liter tanks and equipment for spraying malicious agents. In late April, ten more similar UAVs were detected near the settlement of Kakhovka. At the same time, Igor Kirillov, the Head of RCBPF, added that, as a result of the special military operation in Ukraine, facts came to light evidencing the work carried out with pathogens that are potential agents of bioweapons.

At the same time, not only the United States, but also a number of its NATO allies, such as Germany, Poland and 10 other Western allies of Washington, are running their military biological projects in Ukraine. Thus, the Polish Institute of Veterinary Medicine took part in the studies of rabies virus in Ukraine together with the Battelle Institute, one of the Pentagon contractors, said the Head of the RCBPF.

According to Kirillov, the ideologists of American military biological operations in Ukraine are the leaders of the US Democratic Party who “formed the legislative framework for funding military biological research directly from the federal budget.” “Non-governmental organizations controlled by the leadership of the US Democratic Party, submitted their funds including the investment funds owned by the Clintons, Rockefellers, Soros, Biden, under the state guarantees,” the representative of the Ministry of Defense said. Major pharma companies, such as Pfizer, Moderna, Merck, as well as Gilead, a Pentagon-affiliated company, were also involved in this scheme. “US specialists are testing new medicines bypassing the international safety standards,” Kirillov added.

It should be noted that Washington has been involved in those activities for many decades, with the obvious connivance of the UN and other international organizations who were submitted incriminating evidence of the criminal use of bioweapons by the US. Instead of ensuring compliance with the international regulations and international conventions signed by the United States to combat the development and use of chemical and bacteriological weapons, Washington regularly arranges fake news campaigns accusing other countries of alleged use of prohibited WMDs. And these campaigns, unfortunately, are actively promoted and supported by the US-funded media and representatives of a number of Western political parties and governments around the world, thereby shielding official revelations of the US criminal activities.

Today, US military biolabs are located not only in Ukraine, but also in many other countries of the world that are facing a similar danger of Washington using bioweapons. And the US does not seem to be ashamed telling the global community about its “right” to make plans for changing political regimes “in authoritarian countries if they pose a threat to US security.” In particular, Henry Kissinger, one of the most respected veterans of the US politics, the former US Secretary of State and national Security Adviser to the US President, recently made this statement in his interview to the Financial Times.

Given all of the above, every country in the world should be asking one question today: Why is the United States getting away with unleashing a global biological war?


Vladimir Platov, expert on the Middle East, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.



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