(Reading time: 1 - 2 minutes)
Image of young people in Havana, Cuba. | Photo: Twitter/ @EmbacubaNZ
Cuba Embassy in NZ agus Cancillería de Cuba
On April 2, the "Europe for Cuba" channel will lead a "World Media Marathon" to reject the U.S. blockade against the Cuban Revolution.
“This action is intended to remind us that Cuba is not alone in its fight against the infamous blockade,” Al Mayadeen outlet said, adding that it will join the marathon to “raise its voice against a unilateral policy repudiated almost unanimously by the international community and rejected by the United Nations General Assembly through 29 resolutions.”
Wafica Ibrahim, the Al Mayadeen Latin America Director, said that her outlet would present videos, cartoons, and interviews during the 24-hour marathon.
"In our editorial policy, Cuba and its example of struggle and resistance against the empire have a prominent role," she said.
“We want more and more people to join the call... We want the peoples to raise their voices so that their governments listen to them and condemn this policy and other atrocities that are committed there and in other parts of our planet, such as what is happening in Palestine, a nation blockaded and humiliated by Israel. And the world does nothing."
Over 100 Cuban radio stations and international media such as Prensa Latina, ResumenLatinoamericano, HispanTV, and Sputnik will take part in the marathon. They will be joined through social networks by organizations in solidarity with Cuba from around the world.
Political organizations such as the Rebellious France Party (LFI), the Communist Party of Spain (PCE) and the Communist Party of the Peoples of Spain (PCPE) will also support this communication initiative.

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