(Reading time: 1 - 2 minutes)
President Nicolas Maduro
Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro at COP27, Nov. 8, 2022. | Photo: Twitter/ @MObras_Publicas

“The environmental imbalance and crisis created in nature are comparable to the conditions of inequality and injustice that capitalism has created against humanity,” he said.

On Tuesday, at the High-Level Segment at the 27th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP27), Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro urged countries to change consumption patterns fostered by capitalism. in order to preserve life on the planet.

“The climate crisis is an inescapable reality, which can only be faced with concrete, urgent, and immediate facts,” he said, emphasizing that the dimension of the crisis is not a surprise.

"Since the beginning of environmental diplomacy, there was enough data to declare an early emergency and act accordingly," Maduro recalled.

“Each hour, month, and year of inaction, hesitation, and indolence translates today into destroyed ecosystems, extinct species, and deterioration of living conditions on the planet.”

The Bolivarian leader stressed that the problem is no longer simply global warming but the "absolute collapse" of ecosystems, since current trends indicate that the planet could have very harsh living conditions for the human species in about 30 or 40 years.

“Existence as we knew it was forever disrupted to the detriment of all living species on the planet,” Maduro said, blaming “savage and predatory” capitalism for the possible extinction of human life.

“The environmental imbalance and crisis created in nature are comparable to the conditions of inequality and injustice that capitalism has created against humanity,” the Venezuelan president pointed out, adding that “a system normalizing human exploitation does not have ethical conditions to respect other forms of existence”.

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