(Reading time: 2 - 4 minutes)

Corruption and malfeasance by public health agencies charged with controlling covid has allowed adoption of an ineffective, poorly tested vaccine; kept treatments beyond reach of skilled doctors and their desperately ill patients; and, moreover, led to thousands upon thousands of needless deaths.

Those were just some of the explosive revelations discussed yesterday by a panel of national experts on the monumental missteps made by the United States government’s response to the covid-19 pandemic.

The event, in a room ringed by soaring marble columns at the Russell Senate Building, was organized by U.S. Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin, Congress’s leading critic of the government’s failure to treat covid outside of hospitals.

Indeed, Johnson, a Republican, is potentially the only U.S. legislator to question America’s response to an issue with immense consequences for the nation’s health and future. He billed the event as a “long-overdue second opinion.”

“Two years into the pandemic, the compassionless guidelines from the NIH—if you test positive—is to essentially do nothing,” Johnson said. “Go home. Isolate yourself in fear. And pray you don’t require hospitalization.”

Amid ever-shifting government advisories—on lockdowns, masks, treatments and vaccines—what quickly became clear was that dissent would not be tolerated, Johnson and many speakers said.

“As the goalposts were moving, different viewpoints were being crushed,” he said. “The Internet was used to censor discussion and vilify anyone with a different opinion.”

The speakers, assembled in a horseshoe of tables with Johnson at the head, were asked, as were attendees, if any had been censored or limited by the government’s firmly controlled covid narrative. About four-fifths raised their hands.




Discussion begins around 40 minute mark. Sen. Ron Johnson moderates a panel discussion, COVID-19: A Second Opinion. A group of world renowned doctors and medical experts provide a different perspective on the global pandemic response, the current state of knowledge of early and hospital treatment, vaccine efficacy and safety, what went right, what went wrong, what should be done now, and what needs to be addressed long term.
More at www.ronjohnson.senate.gov 






Sen. Ron Johnson said: “I'm hoping everybody that viewed this today recognizes the qualifications of the individuals that spoke here today. Now, again, there's disagreement between people in this room. The viewpoints expressed are those of those individuals expressing it. But these are real world experiences from people that are on the front lines, that are treating patients. It’s different from probably anything you've heard, unless you've been following these people in the media, trying to break through, trying to convey to the American public and provide the information that I think we all need, that we all deserve. Now, you know, my antenna is always up because I'm getting accused of spreading this misinformation all the time. So I can imagine how the news media is going to treat so much of this. They're going to pick little phrases out, and they're going to pick it apart and they're going to try and marginalize this entire event."

“All I can ask, is the viewers to share this. Tell your friends, I know this is long. This is a five hour long panel, and we didn't even scratch the surface of what we need to discuss. This shouldn't have been necessary. As our information grew, as we became better and better educated, less ignorant about the Coronavirus, COVID, the COVID vaccines, this should have been made public every step along the way. But it wasn't. So again, I'm just asking the viewing public to have an open mind. Respect these individuals who have paid a significant price professionally, reputationally. These are highly qualified individuals. They speak from experience. We've got to fix this problem. We can't let this continue. We can't let it happen in the future. So again, thank all of you for coming. Thank you for being doctors, for being nurses, for being academicians, for being medical researchers, and thank all of you for viewing this. Share this with your friends. God bless you all.”

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