(Reading time: 5 - 10 minutes)
vaccine passport
Photo by Jeremy Bezanger on Unsplash

Vaccine passports are poised to change the world as you know it, creating a digital trail of your every move. Right now, it’s injection status that’s being highlighted, but the end goal is to surveil and collect not only medical information but financial transactions, political affiliations, religious and philosophical beliefs and more.

Some have speculated that the introduction of digital IDs and vaccine passports in the U.S. is laying the infrastructure for a social credit system. China’s social credit system, a massive undertaking of government surveillance that aims to combine 600 million surveillance cameras — about one for every two citizens — with facial recognition technology, has the reported goal of being able to identify anyone, anywhere, within three seconds.1

It’s difficult to imagine this type of tyranny transpiring in the U.S. — until you look back over the last two years. In 2019, it may also have seemed farfetched that you’d have to receive an injection of an experimental gene therapy in order to enter certain restaurants, gyms, entertainment venues and workplaces, yet, here we are.

As investigative journalist Corey Lynn, who recently detailed not only why it’s so important to stop vaccine passports but also 22 practical ways to do so, put it:2

“Simply put: the pandemic is to mandate an experimental gene therapy that the CDC likes to refer to as a ‘vaccine.’ That ‘vaccine’ is for purposes of getting everyone onto a vaccine ID passport. The passport is to force everyone into the new global social credit system.

That system is to bring the global population to full obedience, as the globalists control everyone’s access and spending to anything and everything in life, through the use of the new CBDC (central bank digital currency) system they are building toward.”

Are We Being Trained Like Dogs?

Lynn compared the vaccine ID passport system being rolled out to mandatory rabies vaccines for dogs. It might seem like a stretch, but there are many similarities between the rabies vaccine system and what could soon happen on a global scale, but this time to people, not dogs. Lynn writes:3

“Let’s put aside ‘rabies’ for one moment and look at the system that billionaire funders of big pharma and policymakers quickly put into place.

They made the vaccine mandatory, assigned an ID tag that dogs must wear, stored the information and address of the dog and its owner in a database, informed healthcare, retail, park services, and businesses that they should not provide services to those without this ID. If one doesn’t abide by this law, the owner can be fined, dog quarantined and force-vaccinated.”

Your dog can’t visit doggy day cares, dog parks or grooming centers unless he’s received the rabies shot. Failure to comply leaves your dog ostracized and you, as its owner, vulnerable to fines.

Lynn argues that, much like COVID-19, millions of pet owners have blindly gone along with the required rabies vaccines for their pets, despite questions over its safety and necessity on an annual basis, as studies suggest the shots may provide protection for more than six years.4

“They have tested this system on pet owners for years, and half the U.S. population willingly went along with this without even questioning it. Sound familiar?” Lynn asks. “… They are treating you like a dog, and they didn’t even show dogs the respect they deserve. You are nothing more than livestock to them.”5

How Digital Identities Threaten Your Freedom

Disguised as a tool for convenience and safety, digitized IDs, such as mobile driver’s licenses, “go way beyond what a driver’s license is about.”6 The World Economic Forum’s (WEF) Annual Meeting 2018 in Davos was focused on “advancing good, user-centric digital identities.”7 This isn’t simply a matter of maintaining your name, address and birthdate, or proof that you’ve passed your state’s driving exam.

Digital identities are described by WEF as “complex webs, crossing the internet, of … personal data, digital history and the inferences that algorithms can draw from this.”8 These identities, they say, “are increasingly embedded in everything we do in our daily lives.” In a figure that describes digital identity systems in our everyday lives, WEF envisions that digital IDs, i.e., vaccine passports, will encompass:9


Health care — to access insurance, monitor health devices and wearables and prove qualifications (for providers)

Smart cities — to monitor devices that transmit data about energy usage, air quality and traffic congestion

Telecommunications — for individuals to use devices and service providers to monitor them

E-government — for individuals to file taxes, vote and collect benefits

Social platforms — for social interactions

E-commerce — to shop, conduct business transactions and secure payments

Financial services — to open bank accounts and carry out financial transactions online

Food and sustainability — to verify the origin of produce and enhance traceability in supply chains

Travel and mobility — to plan trips and go through border control between countries or regions

Humanitarian response — to access services and demonstrate qualifications to work in a foreign country


As an example of how this can translate to threatening something as foundational as your food choices, Lynn uses the example of the “entitlements digital currency” benefits program for food stamps in Illinois, which uses smart contracts and healthy eating tokens. She explains:10

“[O]nce you have been verified with your digital identity, you are given a benefit wallet that connects to smart contracts, and if you should ever try to purchase food items that do not fall into their determined ‘healthy food’ category, you won’t be able to purchase it. Surely they are just looking out for your health. What this really shows is their ability to block access to anything they don’t wish you to purchase or have access to.

Once all banks are connected into this digital identity (vaccine ID passport) system, they will be able to control your spending on everything. What happens if you do not get the Covid jab or booster? Every area of your life, included in the digital identity diagram above, will be controlled through this system.

All data on your life will be stored within your digital identity. They sell this enslavement system as ‘convenience’ and ‘equity,’ while ensuring you that ‘you’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy.’”

22 Ways to Stop Vaccine Passports

Your entire identity, including your medical history, finances, sexual orientation and much more, could soon be stored in a mobile app that’s increasingly required to partake in society. While some might call this convenience, others would call it oppression. Many others are being driven by fear to accept vaccine passports as “necessary” to protect safety.

In one survey that evaluated acceptance of vaccine passports, 60% stated they were in favor and only 20% stated they were strongly opposed. The study’s lead author, professor Stephan Lewandowsky, described those opposed as “surprisingly low,” adding, “It’s fascinating how people seem increasingly receptive to their personal data being used to inform themselves and others about what they can and can’t do.”11

There’s still time, however, to stop the imposition of totalitarian control worldwide, and a key way to do so is to fight back against vaccine passports. Lynn highlights 22 ways to do just, which we can all take part in to protect privacy, freedom and constitutional rights.12

      1. Do not comply, whether or not you’re coerced, bribed, guilted, intimidated or manipulated into complying. “Civil disobedience is necessary.”
      2. Contact your investment adviser or asset manager. Give them a list of companies involved in vaccine passports and pushing the agenda, and tell them you no longer want to support them.
      3. Avoid all digital identities and vaccine ID passports offered by banks, driver’s license facilities and other industries as a means of increasing “access” or “convenience.”
      4. Tell your friends, family and acquaintances about the real goal of digital identities, which is to “put you on the Blockchain to surveil and control your every move.”
      5. Contact your local sheriff. There are 3,081 sheriffs in the U.S., who should be contacted by phone, email and mail. They have the power to refuse to enforce illogical or illegal demands.
      6. Share messages of truth around your community. You can spread the word using flyers, postcards, stickers or “swag with a message.”
      7. Don’t support establishments that require proof of a shot or negative test. If you do, give them a card that reads, “I will not be a human experiment of a gene therapy jab for a virus that has a 99.98% survival rate.”
      8. Email your state representative to block vaccine passports and digital IDs. Support and consider donating to those who are taking action against injection mandates and passports.
      9. Move your money from large banks to small, family-owned banks and small credit unions. “If 10% of people did this, it would create a huge shift.”
      10. Build family or community energy and food systems, as “resilient energy and food supplies will go a long way against their digital financial blackmailing systems.”
      11. Boycott Amazon and big box stores that are “building the infrastructure to enslave humanity.”
      12. Use cash as much as possible, as it allows you to avoid being tracked via your bank account and keeps your spending behaviors from being analyzed and used to manipulate industries, supply chains and markets.
      13. Leave your cellphone at home and avoid any and all data-tracking apps.
      14. Limit the personal data you share online, on paper and anywhere else.
      15. Call your senators and demand that they oppose the Federal Vaccine Database Bill H.R. 550, which would allow the development of a federal vaccination registry.
      16. Avoid purchasing “smart” products of any kind, such as smart televisions and Alexa devices. “These products are all used for surveillance purposes via audio, some visual, and data aggregating, not to mention potential integrated mind control technologies.”
      17. Establish financial security outside the system, such as by learning or teaching trade skills and establishing networking and teamwork opportunities for people to build and work together within their local community.
      18. Clear as many debts as you can so you aren’t beholden to anyone. “Invest in people, learning trade skills, family and community, hard assets, proper schooling for your children — which might mean a local homeschool network — local farmers for your food, any necessary supplies or equipment you feel you need, your health and peace of mind.”
      19. Maintain resources — medical, legal and otherwise — to fight the COVID-19 tyranny13 and stay updated on legal action and legislation against COVID-19 mandates.
      20. Be aware that it is not legal to require a person to get injected while it’s still under emergency use authorization. “Though the FDA has approved Pfizer’s Comirnaty jab, Pfizer has chosen to not yet produce it for the U.S., and instead are continuing to supply the EUA jab.”
      21. Be there for those who have received the injection and are having adverse events or choosing not to get boosters. “Help them through it and find medical professionals that are aware of what is happening and will assist them.”
      22. “Visualize a better future for all, where these corrupt individuals are stopped in their tracks.”

 Sources and References

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