
Title Created Date
#GotGoldorRubles? Russia Just Broke the Back of the West 02 April 2022
AI Energy Demand Drives Google’s Emissions Up 48% in Five Years 10 July 2024
Among Europe’s Dirtiest: ‘Green’ Biomass Power Plant in Yorkshire 09 October 2021
Bill Gates—Nuclear Shakedown of Taxpayers via SMR Natrium 18 November 2021
Blackouts 28 June 2017
Can Ecological Economics Let Us Survive and Reset? 13 March 2023
Climate Talk: Will Technology Save Us From Climate Change? 28 February 2021
Developing Developments 04 October 2022
End Games of Modern Civilization: 11 May 2021
Energy Dead-Ends: Green Lies, Climate Change and Chaotic Transitions 07 December 2021
Germany and EU Have Been Handed Over a Declaration of War 30 September 2022
History Repeats Itself? The Time US Sabotaged a Soviet Gas Pipeline and Bragged About It 03 October 2022
How the World’s Energy Problem Has Been Hidden 09 May 2021
Into Eternity 08 May 2020
Limits to Growth 21 June 2020
Magical Thinking About Green Energy 02 September 2021
Microaggressions: How Krill’s Demise Will Bring Us the Green Sky 07 August 2022
Nuclear Alert: Post-Hurricane Ida Status at Entergy’s Waterford Nuke 26 September 2021
On the Virtues of Self-Delusion 16 December 2021
Peak Oil, 20 Years Later: Failed Prediction or Useful Insight? 23 June 2020
Ramping Up Renewables Can’t Provide Enough Heat Energy in Winter 24 September 2022
Ship of Fools 14 December 2021
Should Europeans ‘Thank’ the Americans for Destroying Nord Stream? 30 September 2022
Smokescreen 08 May 2020
Systems Dynamics Follow Their Own Rules – and Not Groupthink 03 January 2023
The Collapse of the Dollar-Based International Monetary System is Now Irreversible 21 July 2023
The Energy Trap 25 April 2021
The Great Reset: The Final Assault on the Living Planet 08 September 2021
The Hidden Reasons Behind the War on Gaza (Part I) 01 December 2023
The Industrial Economy is Ending Forever: an Energy Explanation for Agriculturists and Everyone 28 February 2021

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