
Title Created Date
The Cost of Electric Vehicles 28 January 2023
A Holistic View of Catabolic Collapse 23 February 2021
Adam Curtis Documentary Films 18 October 2018
AI Energy Demand Drives Google’s Emissions Up 48% in Five Years 10 July 2024
Capitalism Breaks Down and Homogenizes Life 01 June 2021
Conformity and Will 31 December 2016
Destroying The Web Of Life: The Destruction Of Earth’s Biodiversity Is Accelerating 26 January 2021
Driving an Electric Car Is Fake Environmentalism – Elon Musk Debunked 22 February 2024
ENDGAME 2050 06 January 2021
Exposed: Why Long Journeys in Electric Cars Are a Nightmare 08 June 2022
Extinction is the End Game 10 December 2016
Green Autarky: Self Sufficiency Against the Growth Based Model of Industrial Capitalism 20 August 2019
Happiness 16 September 2018
How the World’s Energy Problem Has Been Hidden 09 May 2021
It's All Over 24 April 2022
Magical Thinking About Green Energy 02 September 2021
Man 21 September 2019
Planet of the Humans 16 January 2024
President Maduro Proposes to Reduce Capitalist Consumerism 09 November 2022
Safety Nets 01 September 2017
The Battle Against Climate Change by Paul Kingsnorth 10 August 2019
The Cognitive Dissonance Of Climate Collapse 05 September 2023
The Limits to Growth at 50 28 February 2022
The Long Road To Ruin 18 September 2023
The Questions We Never Ask 17 November 2023
This Is Why Nobody Will Do Anything Until It's Too Late 16 June 2023
Total War 11 March 2020
Total War 07 December 2019
Unclean at Any Speed 23 October 2019
Valley of the Sex Dolls: Our Post-Apocalyptic Future Is Grimmer Than You Thought 19 December 2018

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