(Reading time: 4 - 8 minutes)
reset butto
"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way . . ." -Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities

Every now and then, the world resets.

Sometimes it's a cataclysm or natural disaster that pushes the reset button. Sometimes it's a political revolution. Sometimes it's a war. Sometimes it's a technological innovation.

Dickens' immortal "best of times / worst of times" formulation comes from his novel about one such reset: the French Revolution. Dickens' words capture the dual natures of these fracture points in history. Like the old (and spurious) trope about the Chinese word for "crisis," a reset presents both a danger and an opportunity.

It is now apparent to all that we have arrived at another world reset. This time we are being asked to believe that it is a viral pandemic that has pushed the reset button. Others would contest that it is in fact the panic over the (presumed) pandemic that is responsible for this crisis. Yet others insist that the p(l)andemic is nothing more than a distraction from the global financial reset which was going to happen regardless.

Whatever the case, the fact remains that the reset button has been pushed. No one knows for certain what lies on the other side of this chasm, but—as we've been endlessly told in recent weeks—life will never be the same.

So, following Dickens, let's explore the dual nature of this global reset and outline the dangers and the opportunities that this crisis presents.

It is the worst of times.

I don't think I have to explain how this is the worst of times. But I will anyway.

It's the worst of times economically. An absolutely unprecedented 10 million Americans have filed jobless claims in the last two weeks alone, with many millions more expected to join them in the coming weeks. The numbers are similarly apocalyptic in Canada, Europe, South Korea and many other parts of the globe. The word of the year is "supply chain," as people are starting to discover just how tenuous the links supplying the global just-in-time delivery of food and medical supplies and cars and high tech goods and basically everything else really are during a massive worldwide disruption. The Fed is outright monetizing the debt and dropping helicopter money on Wall Street as fast as it can print it up, but markets are still in meltdown. The modern-day bread lines are forming and there is no longer any doubt that we have entered the event horizon of The Greatest Depression.

This is also the worst of times for human freedom. Half of humanity is now on lockdown orders or being requested to "self-isolate." Borders are snapping shut and internal checkpoints are popping up in country after country as travel is further and further restricted. Police drones are increasingly being used to enforce "social distancing" and snitch hotlines are allowing citizens to police each other. Governments are now openly tracking smartphones in order to monitor all citizens' movements at all times. Medical martial law is here, and it's only getting worse.

And this is the worst of times for our health. It is quite possible that a bioweapon has been wittingly or unwittingly unleashed on the world. Meanwhile, installation of 5G towers are proceeding apace, threatening to further compromise our immune systems and otherwise harm our health in the midst of this scare. Promising potential cures for whatever is going around right now are being actively suppressed by Big Pharma and their mafia buddies. And a completely novel mRna vaccine is being developed to "cure" the Covid-19 disease. Once that vaccine is ready, you will require proof of vaccination to engage in most daily activities as The National Plan to Vaccinate Every American unfolds before our eyes.

It is the best of times.

Given just how "worst" the "worst of times" appears to be, it might seem that there is no "best of times" to be had from this reset. But it is important to remember that a reset involves wiping the slate clean, and, as I've pointed out before, it is only in these moments of chaos that there is the opportunity for true change.

If you're reading this column right now, it's likely that you are already aware of the need to change the status quo. Waking up to the fact that the world we inhabit is built on politicians' lies, unpayable debt, false flag terror, and kakistocratic rule is unpleasant to say the least. But it brings with it a secondary burden: The Quixotic task of convincing those around you that there is a problem and that things need to change.

It shouldn't be difficult to do; after all, everyone knows that the system is broken. But the propaganda that the public is fed has been so effective, their indoctrination so thorough, that the most that the majority can muster is an inchoate rage that manifests in squabbles between neighbors rather than in attempts to overthrow the psychopaths who are attempting to enslave humanity.

But now the reset button has been pushed.

It is only at times like this, when everything is changing sharply and dramatically, that we have any hope of convincing the masses that something is wrong and that action has to be taken. I should know. The dramatic and spectacular false flag events of 9/11 are a key part of the reason why I ever started to question the Matrix we are living in in the first place. If this unfolding coronavirus crisis is truly a global, slow-motion 9/11, as some are suggesting, then many, many more newly unemployed and newly "radicalized" people with a lot of time on their hands will be waking up to our harsh reality very soon.

That great awakening can't happen soon enough. Surely it is a noble cause to stand up to the globalist agenda, but in this age of technocratic tyranny, small and isolated pockets of resistance can be quickly rooted out and squashed. Mass action will be required for us to have an effect in truly redirecting this crisis away from its current path. And now we have a real opportunity (perhaps the only opportunity of our lifetime) to shake the masses out of their slumber and motivate them into action.

If the powers-that-shouldn't-be had simply continued their slow boil, the frog that is free humanity would have been cooked within decades. By trying to turn up the heat and speed up the process, they may just spur the frog to jump out of the pot.

It is what we make of it . . . but not for long.

I'm not going to sell you false hope here. Things really are bleak. The global enslavement grid that the globalists have been crafting for decades—from the cashless society to the total surveillance state—is coming into view. There are still many in the public who are cheering this all on from their balconies, convinced that they are being "socially responsible" and helping to save lives.

At this point, motivating the public into revolting against the system will be difficult. Those who have not yet woken up to the lies of 9/11 or the deceptions of central banking or the corruption of the medical-industrial-defense-intelligence-media complex are likely un-wake-up-able.

Worse, no one of us has the power to change the course of these global events. No one person can stop the global economy from collapsing single-handedly. Nor can any one person stop society from collapsing. And, however prepared we may think we are, we may not even be able to protect ourselves and our loved ones from the effects of that collapse.

But there are some things we do still control: Our ability to say "no." Our ability to refuse consent. Our ability to resist.

It will not be easy. It never is. Victory is not assured. And, however glorious it might sound, a martyr's death is still death.

No, I can't promise that we're going to win this battle. And I can almost assure you that there will be much grief and heartache from this point forward. But perhaps, as the reset begins and we choose how we will react to these events, we—like Sydney Carton at the end of A Tale of Two Cities—can find that there are fates worse than death.

“It is a far, far better thing that I do, than I have ever done; it is a far, far better rest that I go to than I have ever known.”

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