(Reading time: 1 - 2 minutes)
Cuban doctors
Cuban doctors arrive in Italy to join the fight Covid-19. Photo: RT

"After years of cuts in public health allocations, our health system is today in great difficulty, despite the selflessness and relentless work of our doctors and health workers, in the trenches fighting the coronavirus today, as well.

Sent "on behalf of the Central Committee and the entire Party", the letter offers thanks to "a small island subjected for many years to a total economic blockade by the world's greatest power. One of the nations that is providing a great lesson in solidarity and humanity. Your doctors have cured the sick in 64 countries around the world. Thanks to the teachings of Comandante Fidel, they testify to the value and superiority of socialist society."    

The missive asks that a fraternal embrace be conveyed to the extraordinary doctors, the Communist Party, the people of Cuba, and tall those who have worked to protect the socialist society and country, against all attacks. "For 60 years you have been an example and an invaluable resource for all peoples of the world.”

In the final lines of the message, the Italian Communists insist they are more united than ever in the construction of a world of peace and social equality, and emphasize that today, thanks to Cuba, "Also in Italy it has been understood that capitalism provides what is superfluous, while socialism provides what is necessary.”

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