delapidated wind turbines

Michael Moore presents Planet of the Humans, a documentary that dares to say what no one else will this Earth Day — that we are losing the battle to stop climate change on planet earth because we are following leaders who have taken us down the wrong road — selling out the green movement to wealthy interests and corporate America.

This film is the wake-up call to the reality we are afraid to face: that in the midst of a human-caused extinction event, the environmental movement’s answer is to push for techno-fixes and band-aids. It's too little, too late. Removed from the debate is the only thing that MIGHT save us: getting a grip on our out-of-control human presence and consumption. Why is this not THE issue? Because that would be bad for profits, bad for business. Have we environmentalists fallen for illusions, “green” illusions, that are anything but green, because we’re scared that this is the end—and we’ve pinned all our hopes on biomass, wind turbines, and electric cars.

No amount of batteries are going to save us, warns director Jeff Gibbs (lifelong environmentalist and co-producer of “Fahrenheit 9/11” and “Bowling for Columbine"). This urgent, must-see movie, a full-frontal assault on our sacred cows, is guaranteed to generate anger, debate, and, hopefully, a willingness to see our survival in a new way—before it’s too late. 

Featuring: Al Gore, Bill McKibben, Richard Branson, Robert F Kennedy Jr., Michael Bloomberg, Van Jones, Vinod Khosla, Koch Brothers, Vandana Shiva, General Motors,, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sierra Club, the Union of Concerned Scientists, Nature Conservancy, Elon Musk, Tesla.

Music by: Radiohead, King Crimson, Emerson, Lake & Palmer, Blank & Jones, If These Trees Could Talk, Valentina Lisitsa, Culprit 1, Patrick O’hearn, The Torquays, Nigel Stanford, and many more.

You may also view the complete film at:

Bit Chute


Thought Maybe

NOTE: Moore posted “Planet of the Humans” to YouTube for one month's free viewing in honor of Earth Day (April 22).  It was removed from the platform on Monday, May 25, citing "copyright infringement."  Right.  This movie is now officially censored in the West, so tell all your friends to watch it!  If you're not a fan of censorship, there are alternatives to "YouTube".  Switch to BitChute or ThoughtMaybe. And there are also other alternatives. Fight censorship: Leave! ~ Ed.

Reviews & Commentary

TLA Film Review by Caren Black

Michael Moore’s latest film targeted ‘renewables’ & accused ‘green’ groups of being in Big Energy’s pockets. It hit a nerve.  by Helen Buyniski/RT

"Circular firing squad scores a hit: Real reason Michael Moore’s film axed from YouTube is climate wrongthink, not copyright" by Helen Buyniski/RT

Planet of the Censoring Humans by Matt Taibbi

Derrick Jensen interviews Jeff Gibbs, the director, writer, and producer of Planet of the Humans

volume up 24Listen

Film Review


Having viewed more a thousand documentaries over the past two decades of studying “peak everything” and the potential for – and obstacles precluding - living sustainably, I approached Planet of the Humans with a large dose of skepticism. 

I’d marked Michael Moore’s sellout trajectory from his early groundbreaking films (TV Nation 1994, Farenheit 911 2002, Bowling for Columbine 2004) to his seeming inability (in Slacker Uprising 2007) to grasp the strength of the forces confronting us – forces exposed in his own films – to his complete ensnarement in the distraction circus of partisan politics (Michael Moore in Trumpland 2016). In short, I no longer believed he could be involved in anything significant.

At most, I was expecting the usual parade of talking heads (primarily white, mostly male) underscored by moving music and interspersed with dramatic film clips. I expected more of the same warnings, and more of the same tepid reprimands:  “If we don’t do something, in another 50 years…”  “our grandchildren…”  “by the end of the century…”   Due to the constraint imposed by the moneyed interests (now including Moore himself) who’d produced and/or distributed the film, I expected it would present just enough urgency to touch hearts, then candy-coat reality topped off with a happy-chapter cherry-and-whipped-cream ending telling me what I personally could do to help turn things around and feel better about all the crises touched on therein.

After defending “the” environment (as though it were separate from me) all my life and following dozens of happy chapters’ advisories, I abruptly grew up 20 years ago by leaving my latte lifestyle within the system and following my husband (coached by Richard Heinberg, The Party’s Over 2003 and Dolores LaChapelle, Sacred Land 1992) outside the system to the middle of nowhere and a small piece of land, where we strove to learn how to live by our own means while encouraging and teaching others how to do the same. We found personal freedom and a home within Nature. Priceless!

We also acquired a healthy skepticism that fellow westerners would ever relinquish the leashes they so willingly purchased or the lies that structured their lives.  Or, that anything resembling truth would ever again make it to any media connected to mainstream money.

I was wrong:  This film tells the truth.

Jeff Gibbs skillfully leads us backstage without a visitor’s pass on a personal tour. We view in action the heavily coal-, oil- and gas-dependent props supporting the leafy green scenery that frames our favorite spotlighted characters on stage:  solar, wind, electric cars and biomass. He backgrounds and interviews green “leaders” who, like their championed “fixes,” strut and fret across the stage propped up by dirty money.

Once it began and I realized Ozzie Zehner’s research (Green Illusions 2012) is central to this film’s message, I was committed. And, I was not disappointed. The notable website Wrong Kind of Green, the deep research by Cory Morningstar at Art of Annihilation, as well as Zehner’s research (and numerous others' - please see our Climate Catastrophe section) are underscored, vindicated onscreen.

Planet of the Humans rips the mask off the “Green” movement and reveals the putrid pestilence of capitalism beneath.

There is no happy chapter.


If the film comes as a shock to you, if you had somehow previously overlooked the inevitability of human extinction in the very near term because you thought there was a "way out" and now you're wondering what to do, I recommend Guy McPherson's sage advice for how to personally deal with this information:

I recommend living where you feel most alive and, simultaneously, where you feel most useful. I recommend living fully. I recommend living with intention. I recommend living urgently, with death in mind. I recommend the pursuit of excellence. I recommend the pursuit of love.

In light of the short time remaining in your life, and my own, I recommend all of the above, louder than before. More fully than you can imagine. To the limits of this restrictive culture, and beyond.

For you. For me. For us. For here. For now.

Live large. Be you, and bolder than you’ve ever been. Live as though you’re dying. The day draws near.

~ Guy McPherson, "The Really Brief Version", September, 2019


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