Tulsi Gabbard

"Nuclear powers must avert confrontations which bring an adversary to a choice of a humiliating retreat, or a nuclear war. To adopt that kind of course in the nuclear age would be the evidence only of the banktuptcy of our policy, or of a collective deathwish for the world" (citing John F. Kennedy)

Cynthia McKinney

 "The meme of division is developed in order to pit us against each other, so we forget to focus on those who profiteer from war and killing"

Col. Douglas MacGregor

"Remember that the preeminent goal in Washington, for most politicians, is to stay in office and continue to enrich themselves"

Gerald Celente

Gerald Celente: "It's a whole new world. If we don't change it, it's going to be hell on earth"

Clare Daly

"Opposing the horrible madness of war is not anti-European. It's not anti Ukrainian. It's not pro Russian. It's common sense. The working class of Europe has nothing to gain from this war"

Chris Hedges

"Those we support are allways heroic defenders of liberty and democracy. Anyone who questions the righteousness of the cause is accused of being an agent of a foreign country"

Max Blumenthal

"You can go to the ukrainian embassy in New York and see Advantage Ukraine banners - Ukraine is open for buisness"

Scott Ritter

"I heard a voice in the midst of the 4 beasts, and I looked and beheld a pale horse, and his name, that sat on him, was death - and hell followed with him"

Kim Iversen

"What is it gonna take, to make americans wanna suit up and send troops in (to Ukraine)?"

Lee Camp

NATO's war on your mind.

Glenn Greenwald

On the out-of-control of US military spending

Richard Wolff

Inflation is caused by military spending

Jimmy Dore

Wars are not meant to be won

David Swanson

 "Majorities and countries around the world consider the US government the top threat to peace on earth"

Medea Benjamin

"The US was trying to find a way to sever the ties between western Europe and Russia, and make sure western Europe was solidly behind the US, and this terrible invasion by putin has given them exactly what the US wanted"

Jeffrey Sachs

"Diplomacy is crucial if you are going to avoid wars."

Rage Against the War Machine Rally


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