(Reading time: 4 - 7 minutes)
Orwell quote

“Some days I wonder why Russia tries so hard.” – Phil Butler, from this shared article on an issue which I consider to be of the utmost importance in today’s world.  Certainly of greater significance than some paltry modern viral disease.  Because it throws light on what is a more insidious ailment afflicting humanity right now. And it goes to the very basis of who we are as a people.

“May 9th and the Most Inconvenient Truth of World War 2” – Phil Butler for New Eastern Outlook

OK, May 9, the day has passed.  Perhaps, but has it faded into history?  No, it has not.  Nor must it ever be allowed to do so.

Let me state quite categorically, the Western nations did not defeat Nazism and therefore win a victory in World War 2.  They did not.  What the West did was more of a sideshow to that event.  Categorically speaking, it was the Soviet Union, at the heart of which was Russia, that defeated Nazism and won World War 2, or as they (the Russians) refer to it – The Great Patriotic War.

The freedoms that the entire world enjoys today, such as they are, come courtesy, not of the West – which has purloined for itself much misplaced glory by deception and false propaganda – but by the blood, sweat and tears of a much maligned generation of the Soviet people.  Let me also say this – it was not Eurasian Jewry who suffered most in that conflict – another deceit perpetrated by the West – but the common folk of Russia and its allied nations in the Union of Soviets.

An insidious disease as I mentioned before is snaking its way through modern civilization and into our common history.  It is the disease of the lies spreading the falsehoods mentioned above and in this shared NEO article, at the heart of which is the West and its capitalist doctrines of Western supremacy and exceptionalism.  They cannot afford not to win this struggle, which is for their very existence.  The rest of the world cannot afford to allow them to win it.

The West, almost insignificant in numbers compared to the rest of humanity, is a tumorous growth on the body of the species, at the heart of which lies the cancer known as the US.  You can’t cure cancer.  It has to be cut out or completely removed in some other way.  That is the task facing mankind.  The alternative is to eventually be completely consumed by the underlying disease.

Like the author of this article says “Some days I wonder why Russia tries so hard”.  You can’t make friends with cancer.  You can’t learn to live with it.  Not for long anyway.  It will consume you.  There is only one sensible alternative option.  If the world chooses to ignore that option it will lose all of the hard fought for freedoms of the past and, through oppression and suffering, will wither and die.

And May 9 will die with it.

This is not a battle Russia can win by itself. It requires a joint effort by the whole non-Western world. Can I see that happening? I prefer not to say – mainly because I am unlikely to be here to see it.


This is why Russia tries so hard

Because of its great importance, I am sharing in full a section of the ‘Briefing by Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Maria Zakharova, Moscow, May 8, 2020’ from the web site of The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation.

The section is titled ‘Article by German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas and Director of the Institute of Contemporary History Andreas Wirsching for Der Spiegel magazine’ and it is in answer to the recent blatant lies and distortions of the Pentagon in relation to World War 2, which cannot and should not remain unanswered.  The World must be aware and have the truth of the matter correctly recorded in its historical records, for as long as such exist.  And the truth, let it be known, is not the Anglo-American version of those events.

The Ministry briefing says (emphasis mine):

“The other day, the Pentagon published a post on the history of World War II, entitled “Victory in Europe Day: Time of Celebration, Reflection”. 


According to this new version of history from the US Department of Defense, the “conflict” began when “Germany and the Soviet Union invaded Poland.” That is, according to the American side, the USSR is just as guilty of unleashing the Second World War as the Third Reich. At the same time, it says nothing about how it was our country that broke the back of the fascist military machine and that the largest number of Nazis were killed on the Eastern Front. But it does say that less than a year after the landing of the United States and its allies in Normandy, the war ended. Apparently, nothing much happened in the previous years. The “Second Front” in Normandy was opened when the Americans realized that the Third Reich was losing the war, and they hastened to land in order to prevent the USSR from spreading its influence throughout Europe after the war was won. 


And here is the view of German officials on these events, the 75th anniversary of which we are celebrating this year. Foreign Minister of Germany Heiko Maas and Director of the Institute of Contemporary History Andreas Wirsching wrote the following in an article for Der Spiegel magazine: “Only Germany is responsible for World War II and the Holocaust. Those who sow doubts about this and foist the role of criminal on other nations commit an injustice towards the victims of this war.” 


This probably says it better than any additional definitions, explanations and comments could. These words put an exclamation point on our efforts to clarify something to our Western partners. Many of them, even on such days and dates that are special for all humankind, do not stop searching for ways to distort history and, in pursuit of current political aims, level accusations at our country that are monstrous in their falsehood and hypocrisy.”

Extracted from: ‘Briefing by Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Maria Zakharova, Moscow, May 8, 2020’

Not only Russia, we must all ‘try hard’ for the lasting truth and the non-recognition of false alternatives.  Otherwise, who are we?

Not only that, but America is actually incapable of winning a war. They have never won one yet in their whole history. Except, as I have pointed out before, the one they fought among themselves. The Civil War. The outcome of which was guaranteed, whichever side won. They are very adept at withdrawing from conflicts and claiming that as a victory. In fact they probably hold the world record in that field. And taking a close look at their ‘greatest military force in the universe, ever’, they are not in much shape to win any genuine conflict in the foreseeable future, other than bombing the shit out of loosely organised militia forces from the safety of some back-room computer desk. They hardly dare show their faces anywhere in the Middle East these days. And when they do, it is usually behind a screen of co-opted militia or terrorist group.


Bernie Edwards is the insightful source behind NotSomethingElse, a blog to keep your eye on. His byline quotes Ralph Waldo Emerson, "To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment," and he encapsulates his escape from the system thus:  "I ‘Got the Hell out of Dodge’, or ‘Woop-Woop’ (choose your own location), retired and intend to spend the rest of my days preparing as best I can for an uncertain future where I can best look after myself, my family if they need it and my local community. I live as simply as I can, working towards having as few dependencies on the industrial system as possible."  Check out his thoughts on our situation here


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