Hat tip to Bernie Edwards at Not Something Else  ~ Ed.

Neil Oliver: We haven’t even got past Halloween but it’s already panto season at COP26: 


‘It’s rules for us and freedom for them’ (Bernie Spothforth)

Bernie Spofforth, a consistent commentator on the pandemic and a Together Declaration signatory, was permanently taken down from Twitter – all her accounts and business as well, for a Tweet she put out that said:

‘It’s illogical to push the narrative that the vaccinated are protected from Covid, but not protected from the unvaccinated. It’s also dense. But you know that right? #Covid19 #NovaccinePassports’

She was informed it was a ‘permanent suspension’. Many Together signatories of Together have already pushed #reinstatebernie into the top 3 Trending items in the UK.

COP26, Climate Change Summit, 30,000 delegates do not have to show any status even though Scotland has covid-passes:


Johnson and Biden join world controllers as they feast on salmon and sea bass at G20 gala dinner in Rome:

Johnson and Biden join world controllers as they feast on salmon and sea bass at G20 gala dinner in Rome



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