This 2-minute animation by Studio Joho for DigitalInks based on John Perkins' book, Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, captures one of Perkins' most succinct descriptions of the US empire's manner of dealing with resource-rich "developing" (weaker) countries by recruiting and using people like him to secure wealth for the few. 

The animation flows over Perkins' voice beginning the much longer account which he has recapitulated in innumerable presentations since the 2004 publication of Confessions of An Economic Hit Man. The book "spent 73 weeks on the New York Times non-fiction bestseller list and has been translated into 32 languages." (Perkins) We were unable to determine (for accreditation purposes) the exact source talk used by DigitalInks in this video.

On his website, Perkins links to his Ted-X talk. For a fuller explanation, please refer to it, his original book. or his update, The New Confessions of an Economic Hit Man all engaging accounts of the entire now-familiar process.  This animation is a brilliant encapsulation and extremely useful as an introduction, or fun for everyone already well acquainted with Perkins' work.   - Ed.



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