(Reading time: 4 - 7 minutes)
rooster crowing at dawn
I must say, I believe the truth of our predicament will grow a whole lot weirder as we stumble into springtime….

How many times have I reminded you that history is a prankster? Who would have guessed that Canada, demure, inoffensive, shrinking violet among nations, would rise to lead a world-wide revolt against the Satanic dominion of digital neo-Bolshevism? I mean, what else can you call it — this political Saint Vitus Dance sweeping Western Civ that seeks to destroy every constitutional liberty, deprive citizens of life, property, and even language, and reduce every individual to an internet-surveilled and controlled automaton… this global megalomaniacal mental illness posturing as “government?”

Well, now it has happened, and the head of Canada’s government, Justin Trudeau — arguably the most fatuous would-be tyrant in the former “Free World” — has failed to emerge from his hidey-hole for the better part of a week, perhaps afraid of seeing his shadow like the groundhog of legend, and it begins to look as if his days as Prime Minister grow short. It’s rumored that the Canadian military told Mr. Trudeau in plain un-Woke Canadian English to fuck-off, they will not take orders to put down the truckers’ protest, and even the Mounties are wobbling, so it’s left to the Ottawa police, who threaten to arrest anyone aiding the truckers with food, water, and fuel. Wait and see how quickly that will turn to fighting in the streets. Constitutional crisis, ay?

Meanwhile, a dozen or so other members of the Western Civ Club of Nations are ditching their Covid-19 mandates and restrictions. The reason: despite the mighty forces of deliberate organized mind-fuckery and resulting mass delusion, the Covid-19 “vaccines” are finally revealed as a criminal fraud, a danger to all who submitted to them, and an insult to the age-old accrued intelligence of the human race as used-to-be represented by science, ethics, and law.

And still, America’s own putative leader, the empty suit known as “Joe Biden,” had the temerity to go on TV last week and once again tell his sore-beset people to “get vaccinated… get your kids vaccinated!” Who does he think he’s speaking to? The counter-information to Tony Fauci’s criminal bullshit is flooding the zone, despite America’s sinister Intel Community attempting to control the captured and discredited legacy news media.

Just last night CBS’s 60-Minutes told its audience that our hospitals are overwhelmed by the unvaccinated with Covid, which is an outright lie. Maybe we should start asking: who are the individual producers and network executives responsible for this arrant mendacity? Would it be interesting to see them in a court of law, having to answer whether they believe their own bullshit? Or is someone telling them to sell it?

Some powerful counter-information to The Official Narrative emerged last week from the US military’s own Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED) when several whistleblower doctors revealed to attorney Tom Renz heretofore suppressed statistics on the shocking increase in vaccine injuries among young, otherwise able-bodied soldiers.  Have a look at the list reported out of Dr. Robert Malone’s Substack newsletter.

    • Total Number of Diseases & Injuries Reported By Year (Hospitalization) up 37%
    • Diseases of the Nervous System By Year up 968%
    •  Malignant Neuroendocrine Tumor Reports By Year up 276%
    •  Acute Myocardial Infarct Reports By Year up 343%
    •  Acute Myocarditis Reports By Year up 184%
    • Acute Pericarditis Reports By Year up 70%
    • Pulmonary Embolism Reports By Year up 260%
    •  Congenital Malformations Reports By Year up 87%
    • Nontraumatic Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Reports By Year up 227%
    • Anxiety Reports By Year up 2,361%
    •  Suicide Reports By Year up 227%
    •  Neoplasms for All Cancers By Year up 218%
    •  Malignant Neoplasms for Digestive Organs By Year up 477%
    • Neoplasms for Breast Cancer By Year up 469%
    • Neoplasms for Testicular Cancer By Year up 298%
    •  Female Infertility Reports By Year up 419%
    • Dysmenorrhea Reports By Year up 221.5%
    • Ovarian Dysfunction Reports By Year up 299%
    • Spontaneous Abortion Reports By Year DOWN by 10%
    • Male Infertility Reports By Year up 320%
    • Guillian-Barre Syndrome Reports By Year up 520%
    • Acute Transverse Myelitis Reports By Year up 494%
    • Seizure Reports By Year up 298%
    • Narcolepsy & Cataplexy Reports By Year up 352%
    •  Rhabdomyolysis By Year up 672%
    • Multiple Sclerosis Reports By Year up 614%
    • Migraine Reports By Year up 352%
    • Blood Disorder Reports By Year up 204%
    • Hypertension (High Blood Pressure) Reports By Year up 2,130%
    • Cerebral Infarct Reports By Year up 294%

This is not the first time the nation has learned about vaccine injuries — the CDC’s VAERS registry has reported out massive problems with the Moderna, Pfizer,and J & J “vaccines” since early summer of 2021. (In fact, adverse events are notoriously under-reported by perhaps 100-times.) Now the FDA has gone and issued a full approval of the Moderna vaccine, without convening the customary expert advisory panel. The documents explaining the FDA’s decision were scrubbed from the FDA’s website. The FDA spox responded to questions about it saying, “We are aware of the issue and hope to have the document reposted as soon as possible.”  So far, the docs are still missing-in-action. The primary objective of this approval seems to be adding the Moderna mRNA vax to the protocol for children, which would permit the disabling and murder of millions of innocents. This is exactly what “Joe Biden” is calling for. And by the way, adding it to the children’s vaccine schedule supposedly continues Moderna’s shield of immunity from lawsuits. Just remember: in law, fraud vitiates that protection.

We now enter a period of danger as the sleepwalkers of America awaken from their induced consensus trance and begin to understand how they were harmed, swindled, and robbed by a corrupt, criminal officialdom. It will hurt badly because the public wanted so desperately to believe that vaccines would make them safe from the mysteriously conjured Covid-19 virus — and, more than that, would cure their gnawing anxiety over the wreckage of American life caused by what appears to be leadership hostage to sinister forces.

I must say, I believe the truth of our predicament will grow a whole lot weirder as we stumble into springtime. The weirdest part of all will be when America learns exactly who and what have been the prime generators of our disorder. The disillusionment will be cosmic.


“James Howard Kunstler is the author of The Long Emergency, Too Much Magic, The Geography of Nowhere, the World Made By Hand novels, and more than a dozen other books. He lives in Washington CountyNew York," so says his website, Kunstler.com. He is, however, much more. During the past two decades, he has remained at the forefront of the alternative press, both online and in print, advocating against "Happy Motoring" and suburban lifestyles in favor of simpler, community-based living where people learn to rely on themselves and each other rather than corporations, government and our phony-baloney economy. His Monday and Friday Clusterfuck Nation blog gets the week off to a good beginning and closes it on a high note. He is also an accomplished painter who obviously enjoys the rural beauties of upstate New York where he has settled and detests contemporary culture's many eyesores.  If this piece is your introduction to his work, check out his blog.  If you know him well, support him at Patreon.

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