Peter Carter, M.D. and Roger Hallam discuss the science and ethics with regards to climate emergency for all of us struggling to understand what's actually going on, what needs to happen and what we need to do. (abridged version, full discussion here:


Every month now records and disasters are happening and we don't have the time to sit around and pretend it's all going to go away – because it's not and Peter’s mission now is to spread the full terrible truth about the extreme risks and magnitude of the global climate and ocean disruption emergency.

Peter Carter, M.D. is a retired family physician who practised medicine first in England and then on both coasts of Canada (in Newfoundland and British Columbia) for almost 40 years.

When his sons were born, Peter became actively involved in peace, environmental and sustainable development issues, especially as they relate to children's health. (Fatherhood created that urge to leave the world a better place as a legacy for his children.)

As a founding director of CAPE (Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment) and, more recently, as founder of the Climate Emergency Institute, Peter has presented on sustainable development, environmental health policy, biodiversity, and climate change and ocean issues at international science and climate change conferences in Canada, the United States, Europe, Asia and South America.

Peter has been following the global warming and climate change research since 1988. His approach to assessing climate change is based on environmental health and human rights protection. He provides climate science information to several websites and organizations, and synthesizes climate change research for laypeople.

Peter was an expert reviewer for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Fifth Climate Change Assessment (AR5, 2014) and the IPCC’s 2018 Special Report on 1.5ºC. Also in 2018, Peter published Unprecedented Crime: Climate Science Denial and Game Changers for Survival, which he co-authored with Elizabeth Woodworth.

*We would like to clarify, around 18mins in Roger and Peter talk about existential risk, which can be used to refer to human extinction but can also be used to describe the following: "An existential risk is one that threatens the entire future of humanity... Some scenarios in which humanity survives would also be existential catastrophes if they involve a permanent and drastic destruction of humanity’s future potential"

Extinction Rebellion has always aimed to communicate and explore climate and ecological risks, including fat tails of probability analyses. We appreciate all experts including those who explore possibilities, compounding effects beyond physical sciences and look at these ideas through the lens of the precautionary principle. Often these perspectives are discussed by those taking an inter-disciplinary approach.

Peter Carter: https://www.climateemergencyinstitute...



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