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Welcome, all licensed female hams!

We are the

COASTALwho logo trans


Nets are held on Sundays, 8:00 pm Pacific time

On the Sunset Empire Amateur Radio Club Repeater SystemSunset Empire Amateur Radio Club Repeater System 145.45 MHz, PL 118.8

 Contact us & join our email list

WHO offers a welcoming and comfortable environment where Women Ham Operators practice participating in and leading Nets, following radio protocol and procedures, relaying information, and using radio equipment and technologies - all at their own pace. Membership is free, welcoming all licensed female amateur radio operators on the northern Oregon and southern Washington coasts.

We support members’ diverse interests and abilities in amateur radio through a weekly radio net, a WHO email list-serve for announcements and discussions, and monthly get-togethers with training exercises and demonstrations. We also participate in AUXCOMM trainings and SETS and support emergency communications during a disaster. 

Our Net Controls


1st Sundays:     Mary Beth KJ7IER  even months;  Julie KK7 IHF  odd months

2nd Sundays:    Mary Jo KB7NJE even months;  Glenda KK7HIG  odd months

3rd Sundays:     Sharon KI7TEK even months;  Joyce KI7STE odd months

4th Sundays:     Ellen AA7EN even months;  Lora  KE7ZFQ odd months

5th Sundays:     Vanessa N7ESS 

Available for substituting or coaching:  Pat KE7 RBM

Meetups, Events, Trainings 

Coffees 400

 WHO monthly meetings are at 11 am on the third Friday of most winter months.

Friday, MARCH 21 at 11 am

Check Back for Site & Activities Announcement









 To view a  map of repeaters and repeater coverage click HERE.

Testing for all levels of Ham license is available on request.   For information, contact AA7EN.

 IconEmail 75CompCONTACT US or JOIN OUR EMAIL LIST where we discuss trainings, share news and coordinate scheduling.

 Many thanks to Bonnie Henderson for our logo design. 

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