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Clatsop County Auxiliary Communications Service (AuxComm) is part of a national network of communications organizations under the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

Clatsop County Auxiliary Communications (AuxComm), formed in 2017 by combining Amateur Radio Emergency Services (ARES), Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Services (RACES) and Military Auxiliary Radio Service (MARS) into one coordinated unit of experienced local amateurs ready and willing to support their communities through amateur radio services during disasters.

Clatsop County’s Emergency Operations Center was one of the first in the Pacific Northwest to combine ARES, RACES, MARS, CERT, other area communications, and independent licensed amateurs under an AuxComm umbrella.

AuxComm personnel become involved in public safety or other government communications, Emergency Operations Center (EOC) staffing, and emergency equipment repair.

Our AuxComm members are all volunteers, who develop and maintain their abilities through trainings, special exercises and public service events. 

Our AuxComm website is unique for our region in providing comprehensive, up-to-date local and global emergency information as well as preparation and training information.

Our AuxComm members' goal is to be informed, trained and serving on scene during any real or potential emergency or disaster in our area.

Invitation to Join

All licensed amateurs are eligible to apply for membership in Clatsop County AuxComm. Clatsop County AuxComm welcomes licensed amateur radio operators with a variety of skills from field operations to message handling, emergency equipment repair and many more. If you would like to join us, get application information HERE or contact our Communications Unit Leader (COML), Mike Brumfield.

What experience, training and qualifications are required?

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) now requires all volunteers, including amateur radio operators, to have completed the above course material. These courses are available as on-line independent-study courses that are free of charge at the links above.

  • Complete Basic First Aid / CPR training and provide an electronic copy of completion
  • List your experience:
    • Net check-ins: List the nets where you check in and give the approximate frequency of your check-ins.
    • Net control: List any experience you may have as net control.
    • Events: List community events where you’ve served as a volunteer and indicate those where you’ve used your radio communication skills (indicate FRS or amateur radio)

When you have submitted the above information and your documentation verifying completion of the courses listed above, Clatsop County will process a background check This will complete your required paperwork. Once the EOC approves your paperwork, you will become an AuxComm member and be issued an I.D. badge which will allow you to participate in actual incidents.

If for any reason your paperwork is incomplete or is not approved, you will be notified of what you will need in order to complete your experience and qualifications.

More information needed?

If you have further questions about joining Clatsop County AuxComm, please contact the Communications Unit Leader (COML) Mike Brumfield WA5MMB


Select and download before filling out form. To download selected form, right click the links below, then select "Save Link As_"

Membership Application (Fillable)   
Membership Application  (Written)


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