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Simplex Net Post Card Final HD 800

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In the event of a natural disaster whereby some or all of our local amateur radio repeaters are rendered inoperable due to the loss of power or equipment failure, a simplex network has been organized as a backup system to maintain emergency communications throughout Clatsop County.

The simplex network consists of several experienced Net Control Station (NCS) operators working as a coordinated team and located strategically throughout the county, including Astoria, Warrenton, Hammond, Gearhart, Seaside, Arch Cape, Canon Beach, Knappa, Swenson and central county.

Each of these “liaison” stations function as neighborhood sub-net control stations capable of communicating via a pre-assigned simplex frequency with other stations located in their immediate vicinity.

In the event of a repeater failure, each of these liaison station operators act as the neighborhood NCS tasked with collecting check-ins and emergency traffic from stations within their simplex frequency "reach."

Radio traffic from each neighborhood liaison NCS is then passed on to a central, strategically located lead NCS via AuxComm channel 3 (147.580 MHz) who can effectively communicate with all the neighborhood liaison net control stations. Radio traffic is then relayed to the EOC. The lead NCS may be located at the EOC, or if the EOC building cannot be occupied, at a designated temporary EOC.

In the event that a liaison NCS cannot reach the lead NCS directly, an intermediate liaison NCS will relay traffic to the lead NCS.

If necessary, a liaison NCS will relocate with a mobile unit to a higher elevation if necessary to optimize line-of-site communication capability.

Liaison NCS Operator Role

Each volunteer liaison Net Control Station operator is responsible for:

  • Mapping their own neighborhood stations by determining who they can contact by simplex.

  • Collecting identifying information on all contacted stations, including geographic location, email address, name, call sign, etc.

  • Coordinating net operations with their backup liaison NCS.

  • Relaying the station information to the AuxComm Communications Leader, W5MMB.

  • Participating in periodically scheduled practice drills to test and modify the network system as necessary to obtain optimum performance and reliability.

Simplex Activation Protocol

  • The Simplex Network will be activated by the lead NCS on frequency 147.580 MHz by roll call.

  • Available liaison NCS check in to the lead NCS with their name, call sign, current location and a concise status report.

  • The clarity of the communication signal at the time of roll call and operator availability will determine the primary liaison NCS and backup liaison NCS for each geographic location.

  • Alternate backup liaison NCS stand by and remain available for hand-off if needed.

  • Neighborhood field stations check in to their designated liaison NCS on their assigned simplex frequency with their name, call sign, current location, and a concise status report on any hazards, power availability, weather conditions, and emergency traffic.

  • This information is recorded on the ICS 309 Communications Log by the liaison NCS and then relayed to the lead NCS on 147.580 MHz .

  • The lead NCS conducts a roll call to receive and record traffic from the liaison NCS at the top of each hour.

  • The liaison NCS conducts a roll call to receive and record traffic from their neighborhood field stations starting at the half hour.

  • If the repeaters are functioning normally, all liaison NCS communicate with the lead NCS on the SEARC repeater system.

  • To minimize congestion, the liaison NCS continue to use their assigned simplex frequency for radio traffic with their respective neighborhood field stations.

Liaison Net Control Stations 

Area Frequency Liaison NCS Local Net
Mike – KA7SGB 
Brad – W7LOG 
4th Tuesday
6:30 PM
Central Clatsop Co
Caren – KE7OHV
D.B. Lewis – KF7CYH
3rd Thursday
6:30 PM
2nd Wednesday
7:30 PM
Vanessa – N7ESS
Pat – KG7PDV
Cannon Beach/Arch Cape
1st Tuesday
6:30 PM
EOC or alternate
146.66 Rptr
(Primary  NCS)
 3rd Tuesday
6:30 PM 


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